John Terry’s blood-and-thunder approach to football

// A man who divides opinion before you even get to the off-field issues.

Written by Nathan Jones

Can babies smell broodiness?

// These little bundles of joy see me coming. I’m surrounded by them. Their little eyes piercing my heart.

Written by Chine McDonald

When scars turn into stories

// Once a battle with self-harm has ended, seeing every day reminders can be beyond difficult.

Written by Rachael Newham

The red letter revolution

// What if Jesus really meant what He said?

Written by Tony Campolo

3 essentials of missing generation ministry

// Dan Preston on building an organic, authentic and evangelistic community

Written by Dan Preston

Licence to spill

// Sarah-Jane Marshall muses over the special treatment given to overseas workers.

Written by threads

No church in a while – why I choose not to attend

// I'm not saying I'm not a believer, I just don't feel the need to believe in the concept of church.

Written by Yesha Callahan

Arnold Schwarzenegger, The Promise, and Marmite

// Joe Ware brings us his pick of the week...

Written by Joe Ware

So what if Jesus was married?

// This week, Harvard professor Karen King unveiled a fragment of papyrus that speaks of Jesus’ wife.

Written by Phil Green

Losing my religion

// It is very easy to celebrate what God is doing as people come to faith but we must also listen...

Written by Andy Frost

Is the religious right wrong?

// When you have the answer you've got a duty to correct those who have got it wrong, haven't you?

Written by Danny Webster

99%, Comic Sans criminals and finger-tip art

// Dan Preston brings us his pick of the week...

Written by Dan Preston

No more page three

// I have a sex drive. I’m a red-blooded male, so what do you expect?

Written by Carl Beech

The humans are dead (the end of history and our last stand)

// Now you, being an informed kind of person, may think that superhitech singing Kiwi robots with killer dance moves and...

Written by Jonty Langley

Voices of the future

// A smorgasbord of up-and-coming musicians from Bastille to King Charles.

Written by Angeline Liles

Decisions, decisions – facing your future

// Wouldn’t it be great to have specific and unmistakable guidance from God, especially for the big questions? Am I in...

Written by Krish Kandiah

Pink wigs, theatrical hats and gold bikinis

// From The Hunger Games to Star Trek, sci-fi's love affair with outlandish fashion.

Written by Jenny Hulme

Tourism off the beaten track

// A holiday in Colombia, Burma or Somaliland might be more tempting than you think.

Written by Elizabeth Hopkirk