thursday threads

thursday threads is a weekly reflective email written by an influential Christian to inspire and encourage. Sign up to have it arrive in your inbox every Thursday.

//threads Curated

Top posts chosen by our lovely threads team

The drain of the ‘dear Church’ open letters

// It's important to remember that you are also a part of the Church you are writing about.

Written by Tom Pettinger

Picked by Thomas McConaghie

At threads, we make an effort to accommodate a variety of opinions and allow space for those to challenge certain aspects of church life. We all really appreciate Tom's article, reminding us not to disassociate ourselves from the Church we criticise.

Myth 7: Low-paying or low status work is an assault on my dignity.

// When the temp agency offered me a "high-level, interesting and socially responsible" job, it sounded great.

Written by Caroline Challis

Picked by Christine Gilland

Living like Jesus is not about status or dignity.” This post is right on the money. It’s honest and humbling read, as I realise how much I have to be grateful for, and how much our dreams of the future shouldn’t rob us of gratitude for the present.