Silencing the Church

// Christians around the world are being silenced. Their voice, their actions and their faith pose a massive threat to the status quo, and so the decision to follow Jesus for many can be a truly revolutionary, radical and dangerous choice.

Written by Dan Etheridge

Lessons I’m learning about prayer

// It was 2.30 in the morning and there I was: needing to pray aloud with my friend in her time of need. Yet, no matter how hard I tried, the words just didn’t come out.

Written by Jade Ashley Till


// At times, we all have felt like we are not enough in certain situations. As human beings it is normal for us to have bad days and feel overwhelmed at times... but what happens when that feeling sticks and prevents us from stepping into the areas of life where we have been created to thrive?

Written by Katherine Dickson

Why I don’t want an International Day of the Girl

// I literally never stop talking about gender justice issues. I’m a passionate advocate for championing girls. In fact, my job/ministry/calling is literally helping to turn up the volume of Gospel of hope for girls. But yes, you read the title correctly.

Written by Claire Rush

Sugar and spice and all things nice?

// During her presidential campaign in 2016, Hilary Clinton spent 600 hours – that’s 25 days – having her hair and make-up done, she’s revealed in her latest book What Happened.

Written by Charlotte Hendy

Girls and their bodies: innocence lost?

// At the heart of our faith lies the message that each one of us – regardless of our gender or age or ethnicity or background, regardless of what we look like - is made in the image of God in whom we believe the essence of beauty is found.

Written by Chine McDonald

Say Hello, Wave Goodbye

// As Thomas and Christine embark on new adventures, we wanted to introduce our new co-ordinator.

Written by Stu Bothwell

The madness of modern life

// The heart of our flawed modern life is the myth and illusion that life is something for mankind to conquer and control.

Written by Dave Luck

The new commandment

// We are not primarily known as Jesus disciples through Bible-reading, our song-singing or church-attending. It's through our love for each other.

Written by Phil Hoyle

Words of life and death

// It seems to me that all those involved in Charlie’s heart-breaking situation need words of kindness, and that as followers of Jesus it should be the hallmark of all our interactions, both in person and online.

Written by Ruth Perrin

Just another blog about running and raising money

// Everyone seems to run a marathon these days.

Written by Amaris Cole

An eye full of light

// When it comes to our view of God, do we really see Him as a good Father?

Written by Christine Gilland

3 things I’ve learned about community living

// Acts 2 isn't always as rosy as it can seem, but it's worth persevering with.

Written by Ryan Galpin

How to trust God with your love life

// Allowing God to shine His light into that room in your heart.

Written by Joanne Gilchrist

Your body is a gift

// It's not merely an instrument, to do with as we please.

Written by Mike Tyler

5 lessons from litter

// Our response to sin should be as constructive as our response to litter.

Written by Dave Luck

The embodied self

// Finding a sense of true home in our bodies. An excerpt from Home by Jo Swinney.

Written by Jo Swinney

Where is God in the change?

// Approaching a life-changing decision and wondering how we process it with our Father.

Written by Yvonne Dodoo

Where is our transformative influence?

// And are we believing in a selfish gospel?

Written by Freddie Pimm