The glorification of glory stories

// The dominant form of story in our gatherings and conferences are those of victory. It's important to not forget the...

Written by Mim Skinner

Dressing up discipleship

// No matter how you do it, discipleship means this: come and die.

Written by Glen Mitchell

Addicted to information

// "How many of us even finish reading an article before getting bored and moving onto the next exciting thing?"

Written by David Binder

My big fat Greek tube strike

// God's economy isn't based on a balanced equation of costs and returns, but a reckless and undeserved gift.

Written by Tim Wyatt

Fertility, family planning and women’s choices

// Just because Western women are generally giving birth later in life doesn't mean they’ve chosen to sacrifice their chances of...

Written by Tomi Ajayi

Where’s my stage?

// And other lies that keep us from serving.

Written by Gabby Llewellyn

Assist suicide, eradicate suffering?

// Why the Marris Bill frightens the life out of me.

Written by Haydon Spenceley

Sacred stones and ancient roots

// Using the summer to remember what God has done and establishing routine for the future.

Written by Pete McMurray

The God story

// A snapshot of the God story that, as joint heirs with Christ, we are now a part of.

Written by Peter Lynas

The hills are alive with the sound of failure

// "Leadership is knowing when to stop, when to press on, and when to know it doesn’t really matter."

Written by Danny Webster

The Church has hurt a lot of people

// "Whether we like it or not, we need other Christians."

Written by Anya Briggs

Tasty, tasty slow opinions

// Over-hyped event plus social media equals way too many reactionary opinions.

Written by Thomas McConaghie

When redundancy got me lost in the woods

// Learning to spot the beauty in the middle of being lost.

Written by Tim Bechervaise

If you risk nothing, then you risk everything

// "Information and intellect are just the start, without action and risk, there is no progress."

Written by Anthony O. Thomas

Fashion and female frailty

// Fitness has never been more fashionable.

Written by Amaris Cole

The place of peace

// "The Holy Spirit can transform the most unlikely of situations in to places of peace."

Written by Lynda Davies

What is the key to community?

// "What happens if we start loving our literal, next-door neighbours?"

Written by Joanna Callender

The problem with authenticity

// I don't know what it is about this word, but when someone calls someone else authentic, I feel suspicious.

Written by Katharine Welby-Roberts

What would Jesus drive?

// He wouldn't, he'd cycle.

Written by Thomas McConaghie

Evangelism and arrogance

// "Those who aren't believers might be blindly hurtling towards destruction, but actually, they’re pretty happy."

Written by Haydon Spenceley