Dorothea: the extraordinary woman

// As an aspiring writer, I am constantly looking to the voices of other female writers for wisdom and guidance -...

Written by Vicky Noble

It’s not about the money, money, money…

// What motivates us to create what we create?

Written by Sarah Hawkins

C.S. Lewis: the ordinary man

// “Experience: that most brutal of teachers. But you learn, my God do you learn.”

Written by Dee Atkins

Why should we support political campaigning?

// How engaging with your local representative is proclaiming the good news of the Gospel.

Written by Kit Powney

We need people and people need patience

// Things I learnt while pretending to be an artist {PART THREE}

Written by Amie Aitken

Loving the thieves on the Tube

// How the words of Scripture never grow old, and how God is using them to speak life to our generation.

Written by Sarah Yardley

Sorry, I’m busy.

// Why we need to stop the glorification of busy

Written by Yasmin Levy-Miller

The most painful calling

// Faith is demanding ... even after 12 years or more, faith will not allow us to stop believing that God...

Written by Claire Jones

Be OK with being bad at things – for now

// Things I’ve learned while pretending to be an artist {PART TWO}

Written by Amie Aitken

Confessions of an awkward Christian

// Goodbye, comfort-zone.

Written by Tim Bechervaise

The ‘I’ in church family

// "Can the allegiance and love you have for me and for my bride, the Church - your fellow Christians -...

Written by Sarah Webb

Should I stay or should I go?

// "Choose your battles wisely," goes the proverb.

Written by Steve Edwards

Is the world on fire?

// As I flick through a global news feed, it certainly seems that way.

Written by Lisa Whitten

Things I’ve learnt while pretending to be an artist

// {PART ONE} You have to start somewhere, so just start.

Written by Amie Aitken

Good vibrations

// "... frequency, vibration and resonance are all perfectly planned by a perfect creator as part of our creative make up."

Written by Emma Fowle

Chariots of tyre

// "... isn’t it refreshing that our God isn’t just a cosmic task-master, always chivvying us along to do more, but...

Written by Tim Wyatt

So poor, so happy, such rubbish

// It’s a truth universally acknowledged that people living in poverty in developing countries are, yes, very poor, but also really...

Written by Sarah Stone

The scientific approach to divinity

// "We know so much and yet truly understand so little."

Written by Jonny Lindsay

Come to this table – if you’re one of us

// "However nicely we dress it up, it’s obvious that this is an event for the insiders."

Written by Claire Jones

6 steps to saintly social media

// Here are a few of the sometimes hidden ways in which social media can be useful.

Written by Tim Bechervaise