Resting doesn’t make you a bad Christian

// Letting our hearts be at rest within every area of our life will bring more benefit than we know.

Written by Hannah Dallison

The ‘always-on’ mentality vs. Sabbath

// How to reclaim Sabbath in a culture that doesn't value rest

Written by Guy Brandon

A Christian hygge?

// How does our faith interact with the much-embraced Danish concept of hygge?

Written by Rachel Helen Smith

3 things creative people need

// Being a creative person can be both an incredible adventure and a great struggle.

Written by Sarah Hawkins

My prayer to tired souls

// I often return to the end of myself at the moment, feeling like I’ve run out of energy, run out of faith. But God comes to me, giving “strength for today and hope for tomorrow”.

Written by Amy Turner

God-given times of waiting

// There is something beautiful in watching paint dry. Honest.

Written by Martha Shrimpton

Coping with Christmas

// 'Tis the season for joy and celebration but for many, emptiness and sadness pervade.

Written by Rachael Newham

Rest is for losers

// In a world that struggles to stop, is it better to be a loser than a winner?

Written by Andy Tilsley

5 surprising joys from a Wi-Fi-free holiday

// It’s the epitome of ‘first world problems’, enough to make a quivering wreck out of your average millennial.

Written by Robin Ham

Returning to self

// "How authentic am I being in my walk of faith if I try and help people discover their value and...

Written by Hilary Walker

Sorry, I’m busy.

// Why we need to stop the glorification of busy

Written by Yasmin Levy-Miller

Do not read this


Written by Andy Flannagan

This year I’m going to get bored

// "And most importantly, stopping gives us the chance to connect with our maker. It gives Him the chance to break...

Written by Lucy Mizen

Sloth: Couch potato versus workaholic

// The antidote to laziness is not to work harder. It's easy to work a 70-hour-week and then get ill. Anyone...

Written by Tanya Marlow

Myth 3: ‘Rest is an inefficient use of time’

// Why spend your evenings moulding the sofa to your backside when you could be getting in some overtime for a...

Written by Pete Curran

Zapping time

// As a polymath with a low boredom threshold and a butterfly brain, when I’m doing some dull administrative task there...

Written by Bex Lewis