I am adopted

// If I had to pick my favourite Bible character, it would be Moses.

Written by Amie Aitken

A brother for Sophie

// "My new mummy and daddy will be coming to get me soon, won’t they?”

Written by Mim Diment

God’s Plan A

// One month ago my life changed. My priorities shifted. My full night’s sleep vanished. My husband and I adopted two...

Written by Robin Belder

Can you be a Christian and… ask lots of questions?

// “There’s a great tactic you need to know”, she said in hushed tones.

Written by Claire Jones

Are we just here for a better life?

// I've moaned at God about the fact that other people’s daily bread comes from Waitrose.

Written by Emily Bowerman

Fred’s story


Written by threads

Can you be a Christian… and do nothing?

// Oh for the answer to be yes!

Written by Sarah Rowe

Losing my religion?

// Why oh why in those few weeks a year that I travel home do I always fall short of who...

Written by Becky Steed

Boy About Town: Why I won’t be dating Miss 29

// What's the point in a date unless it looks forward, unless there is some sort of goal in mind?

Written by Boy About Town

Testimony of a failed agnostic

// Its astounding reality bursts out of the manger scene, triumphantly calling from the empty cross on the altar.

Written by Hannah Malcolm

A pro-active faith?

// In our desire to be loving and inclusive we fail to engage and inspire others to look beyond the limitations...

Written by Andy Frost

Weren’t we all going to change the world?

// God’s plan meant excitement, risk, facing down knife-wielding lunatics in alleyways, welcoming drug addicts into my home, letting them raid...

Written by Fiona Spence

Strengthen your core

// What does it mean for a Christian to strengthen their core? This question was brought on by a recent revelation...

Written by Graham Stevenson

The husband list

// A husband list while sometimes helpful to pull yourself back in line when about to fall for Mr-so-sexy-but-so-not-right, shouldn't become...

Written by Anonymous

Myth 1: ‘My faith is a liability at work. If I want to progress and do well I need to keep it private.’

// Christine Woolgar kicks off our new series tackling the top 10 myths about work.

Written by Christine Woolgar

In the worshipful company of Depeche Mode

// Jonty Langley has a religious experience with a comeback album from icons of the 80s.

Written by Jonty Langley

When it all gets hazy

// The way I see it, we can hang an awful lot on whether Jesus rose from the dead. See, if...

Written by Luke Briggs

Salvation by works

// I used to think life was a sordid little waiting room we had to put up with until we died...

Written by Joe Ware

The grey murkiness of life

// My life hasn't been a black and white experience. I have thanked God for my situation, I have raged at...

Written by Tanya Marlow

Can babies smell broodiness?

// These little bundles of joy see me coming. I’m surrounded by them. Their little eyes piercing my heart.

Written by Chine McDonald