My prayer to tired souls

// I often return to the end of myself at the moment, feeling like I’ve run out of energy, run out of faith. But God comes to me, giving “strength for today and hope for tomorrow”.

Written by Amy Turner

Leicester City? Unbelievable.

// How a Premiership League win is a bit like The Crucifixion.

Written by Mike Tyler

Snowball dreams

// Notes for all those contemplating a new venture with God...

Written by Cris Rogers

How Poirot taught me to ask questions about my faith

// And introduced me to the concept of yeshiva bochas

Written by Amaris Cole

Looking for faith, not certainty

// When clarity fails, we fall on trust.

Written by Jared Ruttenberg

Authentic faith

// I’m looking to live out a faith that’s real.

Written by Dave Luck

Generation stuck

// This is for the people desperate to break out from their walls.

Written by Simon Wilce


// Empathy isn't just radical listening and sitting with the feeling. Naomi Grant explores.

Written by Naomi Grant


// Today is the day the church turns the tables on our view of authority

Written by Daniel Jones

Two things I’ve learned about generosity this week

// Now into the sixth week of Lent, Daniel reflects on a journey nearly complete.

Written by Daniel Jones

Running through the wall

// I've never been a runner. In fact, I'm fairly sure I'm allergic to treadmills.

Written by Daniel Jones

Reasons to be cheerful

// We’ve hit Lenten Hump Day.

Written by Daniel Jones

Generous, whatever

// Trading big ideas for small gifts

Written by Daniel Jones

Taste and see that the coffee is good

// A paraphrase of King David

Written by Tim Bechervaise

Injustice: compelled by love, not guilt

// For hundreds of years no-one opposed the slave trade because it served their own economic interests. What do we choose to ignore because it serves our own economic interests?

Written by Katherine Maxwell-Rose

God will not desert us

// Even when He does not deliver us.

Written by Luke Briggs

A new year manifesto

// This life isn't all there is...

Written by Dave Luck

Your faith as a masterpiece


Written by Ben Askew

Home is…?

// The incarnation symbolises the divine walking alongside humanity, hand in hand. Being with us, knowing us, healing us, giving to us, being safe and open and now. Immanuel - home.

Written by Gemma Brown

Help, I’m greedy!

// There’s something I’ve never heard as a pastor.

Written by Tim Blaber