Post-festival purgatory

// Four things to do when you get home from a Christian festival

Written by James Watts

Boy about town on checking out girls

// The boy watch the girls while the girls watch the boys who watch the girls go by

Written by Boy About Town

Cancer, courage and changing the world

// "The NHS carry out more than 18,000 mastectomies a year. Angelina Jolie wasn't the first to get one and she...

Written by Amaris Cole

The stigma surrounding suicide

// It kills someone in the world every 40 seconds. It’s the second leading cause of death in 15-29 year olds...

Written by Rachael Newham

We are all worshippers

// "One more thing..." says the executive. A new gadget is revealed. The press go wild. The internet buzzes. "Take my...

Written by Caleb Woodbridge

Why it’s OK for Christians to say ‘I don’t know’

// "Even after a lifetime ... [of devotion set on understanding God] none of them will come close to fully capturing...

Written by Chine McDonald

I church therefore I am

// “Somehow, somewhere along the way being a Christian has become synonymous with going to church.”

Written by Vicky Walker

Created to create

// So why am I pushed into academic subjects rather than the arts?

Written by Sarah Hawkins

3 things Christians miss about sin and judgement

// As I glanced back for a second look, I was amazed to see the t-shirt really did say “Only God...

Written by Sam Hailes

Lightweight sins and heavy consequences

// The plan was to go for a nice family trip to the cinema...

Written by Mark Anderson

Fix you

// “The last thing we learn about ourselves is our own effect.” William Boyd

Written by Jody Stowell

Time and time again

// There was a huge media fanfare as Peter Capaldi became the latest incarnation of Dr Who.

Written by Rachel Helen Smith

Where you go I will go

// We hear a lot about the importance of fidelity...

Written by Melissa Sidnell

God and portion control

// Whilst the Bible tells us he ate and indeed feasted, as far as we're aware Jesus never needed to diet....

Written by Abi Flavell

Remembering the human Jesus

// "It always amazes me how much the Jesus we often picture differs from the Jesus we read about in the...

Written by Luke Briggs

What are you doing with those beliefs?

// I’m used to my beliefs feeling out of step with the culture around me...

Written by Ben Askew

On being a Christian and not going to church

// Church is hard.

Written by Anne Bragg

Memories of home

// "In South Sudan, the concept of home is a fluid one."

Written by Alex Fergusson

threads asks: what do you want to see on threads?

// While it's been a wonderful two years... we're keen to look forward and figure out the best way to serve...

Written by threads

Fasting v Fasting

// Am I fasting to be thinner or to be obedient?

Written by Phoebe Thompson