Geocaching and Jesus

// What treasure-hunting with a GPS taught me about faith...

Written by Jenni Brews

Unpacking our big questions

// Learning to not look for the quick fix but trust in the character of God, which is always enough.

Written by Sarah Yardley

Bro, do you even lift?

// It takes a while in the gym before #gains begin to show... discipleship is much the same.

Written by Jack Skett

This is my church: how a nightclub changed my life

// A club would have held no fear for Jesus. I think he would have been last to leave.

Written by Luke Rollins

Choice and having it all

// The latest in our series on contentment: real choice is hard, requires effort and involves compromise.

Written by Jennifer Goodyer

Hiding behind filters

// Reflecting on how much Instagram has shaped how we present ourselves to each other - part of our new series on contentment.

Written by Lee Jennings

I know what it’s like to battle suicidal thoughts

// Rachael from ThinkTwice shares some of her own story on World Suicide Prevention Day.

Written by Rachael Newham

Transforming lives through sport

// With the Paralympics now on, it's time to talk sport once again.

Written by Joe Lowther

Confessions of a Christian event organiser

// Two thoughts from a former cynic about the importance of Christian festivals.

Written by Luke Aylen

The current condition of Christian feminism

// The next in our series of posts from Greenbelt...

Written by Becca Dean

The lost art of seeking love

// The latest in our series from Greenbelt 2016...

Written by Steph Scott

Silence: awkward or golden?

// Learning from the Quaker's discipline of silence.

Written by Steph Scott

Getting lost at Greenbelt

// In anticipation of Greenbelt, one of our festival reporters muses on why it's good to be lost.

Written by Steph Scott

In praise of opposition

// If politics becomes only about winning, then there's a danger that opposition becomes a loser's game.

Written by Matt White

Children of the revolution revelation

// Let's not be so arrogant as to think that we should do ministry differently to Jesus.

Written by Heather Wilson

How to survive the Olympics if you’re not sporty

// The final post in our series on sport is a user's guide to a sweat-free summer, while still burning a few cals.

Written by Christine Gilland

5 ways to be kind on the tube

// Or bus. Or tram. Or train. Or… you get the idea.

Written by Amaris Cole

Can I risk leaving my dream behind?

// What to do when the doors close on you. The latest post in our series on risk.

Written by Yvonne Dodoo

A letter to a friend on risk

// Continuing our series on risk: here's to stepping out into the next adventure.

Written by Simon Wilce

How I’m learning to leave my comfort zone

// As part of our new series on risk, Amanda asks what happens when the greatest risk is trust?

Written by Amanda Robinson