#ask2015 · threads & rhythms hustings

// Catch up with events from Thursday night's Hustings.

Written by Danny Webster

Divorce and redemption

// Nothing is beyond redemption for the God that we believe in.

Written by Luke Briggs

Fashion Revolution Day: be the change

// Two years after the Rana Plaza disaster and it’s shopping as usual. We have an opportunity to make a difference.

Written by Amelia Abplanalp

Why I find prayer perturbing

// I like to think of myself as a fairly logical person...

Written by Tim Wyatt

The maybe culture

// Seems like we're miles away from the honesty and integrity of ‘letting your yes be yes and your no be...

Written by Mim Skinner

What I’ve learned on the road in Rend Collective

// "... survival of the fittest is the opposite of what it means to live in community."

Written by Gabby Llewellyn

British, Indian, Christian: who am I?

// How do we navigate our identity in an increasingly diverse society and find our true identity in Christ?

Written by Steve Uppal

Why it’s OK to vote for the best of a bad bunch

// Politics is messy.

Written by Anonymous

When gender equality goes too far

// "With every big, historical movement comes the danger that we will swing too far to the other extreme, tipping the...

Written by Anya Briggs

Sanctification: easier when I was 13

// Why does it take so long to become holy?

Written by Emily Sturgess

Noah’s drunken, naked party for one

// Another Bible story you didn't hear in Sunday School.

Written by Nick Welford

National Geographic: my monthly fix of worship

// Worship is a whole-life thing. But it's important to embrace the 'special experiences' too.

Written by Phil Green

What you didn’t hear in Sunday school

// As it turns out, the Bible is full of everyday screw-ups.

Written by Pete McMurray

Letting God down

// "I’ve known moments where I’ve not been able to look God in the eye. But forgiveness is for everyone."

Written by Ruth Clements

The Last Supper and simple songs

// Have you ever wondered about the hymn that Jesus and the disciples sang together at the Last Supper?

Written by Jimmy Cooke

Easter eggs: a dangerously expensive treat

// Between 300,000 and one million children are being forced to harvest cocoa beans.

Written by Amelia Abplanalp

Jesus the disappointment

// "... the liberator that wasn’t; the unfulfilled dream."

Written by Andy Tilsley

Time zones and time out

// "This faith that you and I are carrying revolves around, points to, stands or falls on the presence of Jesus....

Written by Ben Askew

Just friends?

// The benefits of 'Defining the Relationship.'

Written by Nell Goddard


// Are we too casual when using the Lord's name?

Written by Tim Bechervaise