Why do we all go to the same places on missions?
// Especially when 70,000 people die every day, having never heard of Jesus.
Written by Emma Hay
The art of manliness · reflections on week 4
// The penultimate entry in Thomas' 30 challenge.
Written by Thomas McConaghie
Now go… if you can afford to
// Making an idol out of the money I'm raising to go serve abroad.
Written by Elisa Pike
Where’s my stage?
// And other lies that keep us from serving.
Written by Gabby Llewellyn
The hallmark of a transformed life
// Part 2 of our series on Joseph.
Written by Andy Tilsley
My church: stick or twist?
// So there’s my dilemma: I’ve committed for the long haul but I sort of wish I hadn’t.
Written by Anonymous
Washing away the dirt that chokes
// By washing the feet of 12 young offenders in a penal institute, Pope Francis has begun his papal ministry with...
Written by Katherine Maxwell-Rose
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