Whatever you think your calling is, it isn’t

// It's not church leader or entrepreneur or activist or anything else.

Written by Nick Harris

Ridding myself of the shoulds

// I know I should be content, but I'd like some more stuff please.

Written by Katherine Maxwell-Rose

The Scottish referendum: the end of the world as we know it?

// You'll not find any Braveheart references here.

Written by Noel Slevin

What’s with the marching in Northern Ireland?

// Seriously? What’s the all the fuss about?

Written by David Smyth

Personally speaking

// "I’m not warding people off such tests. I can’t tell you how helpful it was for me to learn I...

Written by James Watts

The Jesus of my own making

// "If I wasn’t a follower of Jesus and I was looking in on the Twitter feeds of Christians, I would...

Written by Carl Beech

Singleness is meant to be a gift, right?

// "And so I am learning that not only is there a joy in being single, but there is joy to...

Written by Megan Prosser

Is your Facebook life your real life?

// "Treasure the squeals of excitement from your friends more than the number of likes and retweets you get when you...

Written by James Watts

To do or not to do

// "I was no longer ‘achieving’ - not in the world’s eyes anyway. I had no answer to the question “what...

Written by Katie Fry

How to fulfil your destiny

// We are not what we do, but what we do helps form who we are.

Written by Vicky Walker

Beauty and the stretch marks

// This morning, I found myself sitting beside my two-year-old, staring at my phone, with tears streaming down my face.

Written by Charis Gibson

The weight of values

// I became aware of the weight of carrying an identity that was not my own.

Written by Sheila Mburu

The Great Gatsby

// There's more life underneath the restless surface of the literary classic than this cinematic portrayal suggests.

Written by Angeline Liles

Identity crisis

// Am I being nice enough? Funny enough? Am I acting in a way that is ‘sufficiently cool’?

Written by Joanna Callender

Way out

// Pause for a moment and ask yourself: what are you really afraid of?

Written by Alexandra Lilley

Smoke gets in your eyes: Mad Men, shame, and healing

// How a fictional character reminded me to embrace my identity.

Written by Kelsy Black

Putting the right shirt on

// Wouldn't it be great if people were drawn to me not because of the colour shirt I am wearing, but...

Written by Tim Bechervaise

Life lessons from the Spice Girls

// What did the iconic quintet teach us about life in the 21st century?

Written by Rachel Helen Smith

Label us loved

// I'm a mixed up British Asian guy. My mum speaks Gujarati and my dad speaks Punjabi. They both speak English....

Written by Sanjay Rajo

Ticking boxes: confessions of a high achiever

// I fail at ticking the boxes of reading the Bible, praying and doing the church thing. As a high achiever,...

Written by Natalie Collins