The NHS: Britain’s greatest example of God’s grace
// A doctor’s view on how, despite the current crisis, the NHS is an example of Jesus’ upside down example.
Written by Freddie Pimm
Grace: counter-culturalism in action
// The grace we read about, or know in our heads, pales beside grace in action.
Written by Mike Harvey
Reasons to be thankful today
// Because God does not change like the shifting shadows.
Written by Emma Fowle
Serenity now
// More than just a Seinfeld quote...
Written by Christine Gilland
Unsee this
// Choosing not to become desensitised
Written by Annie Carter
The NHS is public grace
// Public grace is a concrete demonstration of unearned compassion.
Written by Hannah Malcolm
A new year manifesto
// This life isn't all there is...
Written by Dave Luck
Why I was wrong about writing off Giles Fraser
// Disagreement shouldn't mean dismissal
Written by Tim Wyatt
A Vicar, a Rabbi and an Imam walk into a park
// Why working together isn’t a joke
Written by Rachel Godfrey
Why Christianity doesn’t make sense
// "The son got what he didn’t deserve. It’s a scandal, it doesn’t make sense, it’s radical and it’s crazy. Yet,...
Written by David Wills
Frozen peas are temporary
// As a young widow, I’m familiar with rough days. But this was different.
Written by Ruthie Davies
Myth 9: ‘Working really hard will earn me favour with God’
// Although I am a product of a me-centred culture I also share a big chunk of the blame.
Written by Chris Buttenshaw
When sin becomes too familiar
// A man appears on screen. He has just hacked another human being to death in plain sight in south-east London....
Written by Chine McDonald
The parenthood of God
// Discipline isn't a word we like to dwell on.
Written by Lucy Olofinjana
We all need to be nudists
// Our shortcomings and failures can be responded to with bucket loads of grace, but that there is also a time...
Written by Cris Rogers
Maggie and me: on Thatcher, sin and grace
// As soon as I start to take it upon myself to decide who's in and who's out, I can't help...
Written by Chine McDonald
What living with room-mates taught me about marriage
// I’ve learned as much about marriage from brushing my teeth next to my room-mates as I have from any sermon,...
Written by Lyndsey Graves
A golden ticket
// All we need to do is find the strength to say yes.
Written by Lynda Davies
Les Mis: stumbling upon a grace-fest
// I only came to watch a cheesy sing-a-long with my mate on a Sunday night.
Written by Sara Kewly Hyde
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