How can the Church survive our post-truth society?
// The questions I'm asking after watching Hypernormalisation.
Written by Dave Magill
The Calais camp is gone – but the memories remain
// Lessons in loving strangers, learned from the refugees in Calais.
Written by Amy Merone
Grace: counter-culturalism in action
// The grace we read about, or know in our heads, pales beside grace in action.
Written by Mike Harvey
The marriage rules
// What if we could see things more simply?
Written by Annie Carter
Get a grip
// In praise of my father, who has an amazing grip.
Written by Simon Wilce
Why all men must stand against sexual violence
// (while also not jumping to the conclusion that masculinity is inherently bad).
Written by Paul Childs
Jesus had a radical love for women
// Jesus’ life must convict every one of us to challenge violence against women.
Written by Miriam Brittenden
The Church needs to address sexual violence
// We live in a society where the perpetration of sexual violence is often misunderstood.
Written by Anonymous
Unashamed: a campaign against sexual violence
// How can we work with others to overcome evil with good?
Written by Hannah Mitchell
The one in front of you
// What does it really mean to love your neighbour? Another post in our series on modern slavery.
Written by Christine Gilland
The ink is hope
// Stories of modern-day slavery. Part of our mini series for Anti-Slavery Day.
Written by Naomi Telfer
Don’t hold out for a hero
// Perhaps it’s you God is calling.
Written by Jenny Bridgman
What’s up with Donald Trump?
// How Trump gives us the opportunity to be better men.
Written by Matt White
Don’t judge me, but I’m not a history maker
// I was going to do something 'big' for God. Then life happened.
Written by Anya Briggs
Where were you God, when I needed you?
// For better or worse, few things last forever. I learned that the hard way.
Written by Gemma Pask
Is Christianity too middle class?
// We're squeamish about discussing class and church, but it needs to be talked about.
Written by Hannah Mudge
Some thoughts on guidance
// After drifting aimlessly for quite some time.
Written by Dan Beesley
30 books for Christians under 30
// This is a non-definitive list, please don't shout at me!
Written by Hannah Malcolm
Don’t judge me but I’m working class
// And I always thought that was a good thing.
Written by Natalie Collins
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