What I’d do with $54.1 billion

// I wasn’t sure – so I asked a bunch of women with big plans: survivors of human trafficking.

Written by Naomi Telfer

5 surprising joys from a Wi-Fi-free holiday

// It’s the epitome of ‘first world problems’, enough to make a quivering wreck out of your average millennial.

Written by Robin Ham

When you change your relationship status

// No post of mine had more likes... despite all my other achievements. I was now deemed successful.

Written by Girl About Town

What’s wrong with selfies?

// "No filters, no survivors."

Written by Joel Leakey

A belated happy birthday Facebook – from someone who never joined

// "I concluded early on that I wanted to cultivate friendships in the real world and the friends I had who...

Written by Annie Carter

Recreation, selfies and being known: happy birthday Facebook

// "And yet, Facebook is social. It may be designed to revolve around me but it really does engender community."

Written by Danny Webster

Is your Facebook life your real life?

// "Treasure the squeals of excitement from your friends more than the number of likes and retweets you get when you...

Written by James Watts

A Facebook Fast: the advent of virtual liberation


Written by Jon Kuhrt

Envy: Why Facebook is making us all green

// Motherhood is, so far, the worst stage of life for becoming envious. The problem is there will always be someone...

Written by Hannah Silley

The two faces of social media

// I've become aware of my love/hate relationship with social media.

Written by Dan Preston