I am not…

// Just as no one is excluded from the offer of life in Christ, so no one should be excluded from...

Written by Haydon Spenceley

How to fulfil your destiny

// We are not what we do, but what we do helps form who we are.

Written by Vicky Walker

Outside looking in

// Katharine Welby is the guest editor for threads this week. She asks: how do we create a place where we...

Written by Katharine Welby-Roberts

Greed: Why more is never enough

// Greed is always there. Greed wants more, no matter what the cost. Greed tells you it's just this once. A...

Written by Matt Crossman

Rob Bell: Heretic, prophet or poet?

// Chine Mbubaegbu interviews the controversial theologian as he tours with his new book aimed at those discovering God outside of...

Written by Chine McDonald

Shoot Christians say


Written by threads

When church becomes a rota

// We can get caught up with being on so many committees, groups and planning teams that we don’t experience God...

Written by Lizzie Telfer

6 side-effects of salvation

// When you become a Christian, the ratio of hoodies to other types of clothes in your wardrobe will rise dramatically....

Written by Mim Skinner

Song for Marion: Cancer, community and choirs

// Song for Marion combines cancer, community and choirs all into one heart-warming, true to life film.

Written by Bryony Young

Miracles: of babies and bathwater

// I long for the moments when the creator breaks into the groove of the beautiful rhythms He kick-started, to do...

Written by Andy Flannagan

Facebook: the great break-up

// He tried to persuade me to stay; he said he'd be there if I ever wanted to come back; he...

Written by Alexandra Khan

The one in which 14 people stand for election

// Sometimes it’s hard to work out whether the Monster Raving Loony William Hill party are more deserving of your vote...

Written by Danny Webster

Grab a cuppa

// Chine Mbubaegbu takes up day 10 of the 40acts challenge and invites all her neighbours around for some good old...

Written by threads

We need to eat more

// I am always hungry. Anyone who knows me will tell you that.

Written by Hannah Henderson

Shane Claiborne and the red-letter revolution

// People didn’t walk away from Jesus and say: “Man, he sure doesn’t like gay folks, or he’s so judgemental or...

Written by Katherine Maxwell-Rose

The politics of the jungle

// The US elections, the PCC polling fiasco and an MP visiting the 'I'm a Celebrity jungle', have all made me...

Written by Zoë Hart

A call to geographic community

// Life is just better when our neighbours are our friends and our friends are our neighbours.

Written by Robin Peake

Join the positive revolution

// It’s embarrassing to claim the title Christian, when those who proudly bear the name online seem to act anything but.

Written by Anna Drew

Can life be like an episode of Friends?

// All I want is to be part of the gang

Written by Matt White

3 essentials of missing generation ministry

// Dan Preston on building an organic, authentic and evangelistic community

Written by Dan Preston