Why I’m an evangelical

// Putting it bluntly, I don’t think we live up to the evangelical name as a collective and a generation.

Written by Nick Harris

Why the Bible has power if we’ll let it

// We can’t expect just to fit the Bible into our lives. Instead, I choose to fit my life, my story, into the far bigger story of the Bible.

Written by Dave Criddle

The traveller’s Bible

// The fourth post in our NIV50 series looks at how the Bible is true for every human on earth.

Written by Jo Trickey

When your booty and thong are inappropriate

// A reflection on the importance of language.

Written by Stephen Cave

Putting politics in its place

// Moving beyond issues and ideologies, what does the Bible have to say about Christians in society?

Written by James Lee

Why aren’t millennials reading the Bible?

// To kick off our week-long series celebrating the NIV's 50th anniversary, guest curator, Becky Miles suggests three reasons for the low levels of engagement with scripture.

Written by Becky Miles

When God doesn’t deliver

// I want a faith that says even if He does not deliver us, God has not and will not desert...

Written by Luke Briggs

The God story

// A snapshot of the God story that, as joint heirs with Christ, we are now a part of.

Written by Peter Lynas

Living inside the circle of trust

// Our Sunday School Stories Revisited series continues with Abraham.

Written by Emma Fowle

Mind over mullet

// The book of Judges; it it really meant to be in the Bible? Or did someone just forget?

Written by Emma Scrivener

Loving the thieves on the Tube

// How the words of Scripture never grow old, and how God is using them to speak life to our generation.

Written by Sarah Yardley

Divorce and redemption

// Nothing is beyond redemption for the God that we believe in.

Written by Luke Briggs

Noah’s drunken, naked party for one

// Another Bible story you didn't hear in Sunday School.

Written by Nick Welford

How you deal with pain

// Bad stuff happens to good people... we need a good theology of suffering.

Written by Sara Kewly Hyde

Perhaps you were made for times such as these

// I want God's will in my life, but that's uncomfortable.

Written by Emma Holland

Don’t read the Bible more

// Reading the Bible more is mostly pointless. Read it better.

Written by Jonty Langley

When prayer doesn’t work

// "You heard it here first, ladies and gents: threads Writer Says Prayer 'A Sham'."

Written by Jennie Pollock

3 Christian paradoxes that’ll help you worship

// The Bible is a complex and at times difficult collection of books...

Written by Sam Hailes

Will a prettier Bible read better?

// Don’t judge a book by it's cover. Or should we?

Written by Craig Hunter

Why I believe the Bible is God’s word

// "Reading the Bible as a community does much more than teach us how to disagree, it helps us share learning...

Written by Katharine Welby-Roberts