Pretty hurts

We shine the light on whatever’s worst
Perfection is a disease of a nation
We try to fix something but you can’t fix what you can’t see
It’s the soul that needs the surgery
Pretty Hurts – Beyoncé


I want my daughters to grow up in a world where light is shone on whatever’s best. With no exception.

I want my daughters to grow up in a world where peace reigns and the voice, action and evil of abuse – sexual, physical, emotional, mental – is shut down.

I want my daughters to grow up in a world where the spirit of misogyny and manipulation has no place in relationship or society, and where human lives are valued as equal.

I want my daughters to grow up in a world where pretty doesn’t hurt, but hurts are made pretty.

I want my daughters to grow up in a world where stories of little girls being sexually abused is unheard of. And the front pages and top shelves are flooded with stories of people celebrating each other rather than tearing each other down.

Where comparisons are a celebration of unique identity and not the thief of joy.

I want my daughters to grow up in a world where father’s celebrate their children and don’t exasperate them. Where mothers don’t walk the road alone but arm in arm with one another.

Where fingers aren’t pointed and fists not raised.

I want my daughters to grow up knowing their identity, knowing who they are and whose they are.

I want my daughters to be incorruptible daughters.

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