You know us well enough now to know that here, at threads, we’re scratching our heads about faith and life and what they have to say about each other. When the hardship of life happens – the eating disorders, the doubt, the divorce, the death, the drunkenness, the depression – our faith can start to unravel. Maybe it’s because many of us have grown up in churches where we’re told that things will all be ok when you become a Christian.

But long after the altar call – when money worries and relationship break-ups and just plain old rubbish things happen – we want to show this generation that God is right there in the middle of it.

So here’s to pre-empting the unravelling. To remembering that in Him all things hold together. To recognising that God has something to say about every area of our lives – from the humdrum to the tragic. Here’s to remembering that God is in control. Here’s to realising that we don’t have all the answers; that none of us has it all sorted out. And here’s to working through life in all its shaky glory together. Because it’s only in community we can do that.

We’ll be hosting a seminar at this year’s CreationFest called Don’t Let Your Faith UnravelWe’ll hear stories from people who’ve come perilously close to throwing it all in, only to find God in the middle of the chaos. We’re aware that not everyone gets the Hollywood happily-ever-after ending, so we want to encourage you to cling on.

Don’t Let Your Faith Unravel will take place on Sunday, 2 August at 2pm in the Showcase Venue. CreationFest is TOTALLY FREE so if you’re in Cornwall, you are so welcome to come along. We’ll have stacks of our new magazine to give away so do come and say hello! For more details on the festival, head here.

Written by the threads team // threads on  Twitter // threads on  Facebook

We are a collective of Christians from all walks of life, who are living, working and trying to carve out our identity in our worlds. We know our lives can be broken and dislocated and we also know Jesus is the ultimate fixer. We are humble, because we are not worthy. So we’re not judges, and we don’t do platitudes. Life can be full of knots, but we’re living it to the full.