How do you live out your Christian faith when society thinks you’re irrelevant and extreme? We explore. It’s easy to feel overwhelmed in a culture that seems increasingly hostile to our beliefs. Politics, marriage, sexuality, religious freedom. Are you finding it harder than ever to hold on to your convictions while treating friends, neighbors, coworkers, and even family members who disagree with respect and compassion? Then you don’t want to miss David Kinnaman, co-author of Good Faith and president of Barna Group, and a panel of other speakers offering their insights and advice.
PLUS, threads is excited to announce the launch of our Faith Lived Live project, which will kick off at our GOOD FAITH event. Join us following the event to celebrate.
You can get your ticket for FREE here.
Copies of Good Faith, the latest book from David Kinnaman, will be available to buy at the event.