Happiness vs joy

// Stop craving the next big thing, the next life-changing moment.

Written by Lynda Davies

Strengthen your core

// What does it mean for a Christian to strengthen their core? This question was brought on by a recent revelation...

Written by Graham Stevenson

World’s best dad?

// A report out this week from the Centre for Social Justice revealed that there are nearly two million single parent...

Written by Jennie Pollock

The parenthood of God

// Discipline isn't a word we like to dwell on.

Written by Lucy Olofinjana

Don’t forget to remember

// Ever since a girl in my class at school was on The Big Breakfast I have been a big Chris...

Written by James Silley

We all need to be nudists

// Our shortcomings and failures can be responded to with bucket loads of grace, but that there is also a time...

Written by Cris Rogers

When it all gets hazy

// The way I see it, we can hang an awful lot on whether Jesus rose from the dead. See, if...

Written by Luke Briggs

The Top Gear approach to church

// I spend a lot of time in church feeling pretty bored and laughing politely at jokes that I would ignore...

Written by Jamie Cutteridge

For the prize

// We all have stories we tell ourselves to help make sense of our lives.

Written by Ben Askew

A golden ticket

// All we need to do is find the strength to say yes.

Written by Lynda Davies

Free to be disappointed

// When we are faced with circumstances we would never choose, it's only human to be angry, confused and disappointed. As...

Written by Lucy Cooper

Zapping time

// As a polymath with a low boredom threshold and a butterfly brain, when I’m doing some dull administrative task there...

Written by Bex Lewis

Three reasons not to obey God

// Loving, forgiving, being kind, these are all so easy until we meet someone we don’t like, love or respect. That’s...

Written by Andy Croft

Expect great things

// I guess if you genuinely expect the world to end, then you live in a certain way.

Written by James Silley

Let’s get naked

// Jesus’ unpredictable ministry was not the work of someone who had one eye on Jerusalem and one eye on Twitter...

Written by Andy Flannagan

Bearers of hope in the middle of despair

// Just when the Goliaths of brutality and despair threaten to overbear, we recall threads of hope.

Written by David Smyth

Finding home

// What generates the home-coming feeling in you at Christmas? What images give you a sense of warmth and well-being?

Written by Theresa Stone

Beneath the floorboards

// In church, we dare not let our neighbour in the pew know of our unconquered sin because they are righteous...

Written by Jonty Langley

Mind the milestone

// By the time you read this, I'll be 40.

Written by Jennie Pollock

Be still

// Time takes you by surprise, when you want it to stay it flees with indecent haste. And when we long...

Written by Danny Webster