I am not…

// Just as no one is excluded from the offer of life in Christ, so no one should be excluded from...

Written by Haydon Spenceley

How to fulfil your destiny

// We are not what we do, but what we do helps form who we are.

Written by Vicky Walker

Outside looking in

// Katharine Welby is the guest editor for threads this week. She asks: how do we create a place where we...

Written by Katharine Welby-Roberts

10 surprising things about the Bible: part 2

// Second enlightening Bible-based installment from Ben Whitnall...

Written by Ben Whitnall

New Horizon – A better way: to do church


Written by threads

Wanted: a Christian guy for Miss 29

// While some of my closest friends are Christian, I've never dated anyone religious before.

Written by Miss 29

Millennials & church: Why we need to question our questioning

// We risk championing a scepticism that cuts God down to the size of our doubts.

Written by Alastair Roberts

How do you solve a problem like Millennials?

// We want depth, we want space to be ourselves, but our needs are also linked to our stage of life.

Written by Hannah Mudge

Beauty and the stretch marks

// This morning, I found myself sitting beside my two-year-old, staring at my phone, with tears streaming down my face.

Written by Charis Gibson

On being Christian and (vegan)noying as hell

// I have a sense of humour about it. You have to when you’re the only vegan at the church hog...

Written by Naomi Rose Steinberg

10 surprising things about the Bible: part 1

// Maybe these won't be surprising to you. But, then again, maybe they will. And there'll be more coming soon...

Written by Ben Whitnall

Phnom Penh princesses: broken girls

// “Not one of these girls wants to be here."

Written by Steve Edwards

Try before you buy: does faithfulness matter in dating?

// Why part with our cash without a guarantee or before we’re fully satisfied?

Written by Andre Adefope

Baking over botox: Why Leah shouldn’t win The Apprentice

// From breast augmentation to nose jobs to buttock implants, millions of people are going under the knife to change the...

Written by Chine McDonald

7 ways to go into business with God, not Lord Sugar

// God wants to ensure your success, and will - if you let Him.

Written by Jonathan Bender

Busyness: the Ferrari of the Christian world

// What do Ferraris, Jimmy Choos and facelifts have in common?

Written by Anya Briggs

Don’t beat me up

// A church leader opens up...

Written by Anonymous

The quicksand of the friend zone

// In the clearly defined space of a relationship, love may prosper. But what I'm left wondering is the status of...

Written by Danny Webster

What’s in a name? Everything

// We’re probably being disingenuous if we say we don’t make any assumptions about others from what they’re called.

Written by Sarah McCarten

The weight of values

// I became aware of the weight of carrying an identity that was not my own.

Written by Sheila Mburu