History’s greatest rescue mission

// Rescue isn’t a new idea for God. He’s been at it for generations, patiently saving His people from themselves, and...

Written by Olly Cole

You’re not called to be a superhero

// If you read this you’ll discover God’s will for your life.

Written by Andy Tilsley

When your dreams aren’t yet a reality

// Three lessons creative beings, and everyone else, should learn.

Written by Sarah Hawkins


// As I start the New Year I’m reminded of all the resolutions I’ve made and broken.

Written by Abi Flavell

Don’t read the Bible more

// Reading the Bible more is mostly pointless. Read it better.

Written by Jonty Langley

This is hope…

// What does real hope look like? I mean, more than simply being optimistic or even at times denying that things...

Written by Hilary Walker

Boy about town: ’tis the season for flirting

// "The time of year we tend to be a bit more casual with our affections; ever so slightly more daring...

Written by Boy About Town

The joy of messy family at Christmas

// 'If Mary and Joseph had knocked on your door, would you have let them in? Or would you prefer not...

Written by Nell Goddard

Whatever you think your calling is, it isn’t

// It's not church leader or entrepreneur or activist or anything else.

Written by Nick Harris

Fear versus prayerful concern

// 4 guardrails for sticking with dreams in times of uncertainty

Written by Matt Kepple

No crying he makes? Yeah, right.

// “The cattle are lowing, the baby awakes; But little Lord Jesus ..."

Written by Haydon Spenceley

Joseph: 4 lessons in manliness

// Ah, Christmas. Insert nostalgic remembering comment.

Written by Thomas McConaghie

Advent: the Messiah and house-buying

// 'Waiting, in some respects, is the easiest thing in the world. But, sometimes, it is extremely difficult and unsettling.'

Written by Claire Paye

Did Coca-Cola steal Christmas?

// With the famous ad now in its 20th year, let's remember that it's not the holidays that are coming, but the Holy One.

Written by Krish Kandiah

Thanksgiving: How not to give thanks

// Three things we don’t do when someone gives us something

Written by Hannah Malcolm

Why suffering?

// "Oftentimes we wish we could take suffering out of our world while keeping everything else the same. But it doesn’t...

Written by Dr Vince Vitale

What’s wrong with rights

// "The sole and most important right any of us have is the right to be called children of God."

Written by Haydon Spenceley

Are we getting the Gospel wrong?

// "The gospel is this an amazing tapestry, woven together throughout the whole Bible and beyond."

Written by Anya Briggs

I’m being suffocated by my iPhone

// "I'm married to my wife, not my smartphone"

Written by Thomas McConaghie

Why should we mark International Day of Prayer

// "Persecution may not feel real to me. But it is real for too many."

Written by Jay Niblett