thursday threads

thursday threads is a weekly reflective email written by an influential Christian to inspire and encourage. Sign up to have it arrive in your inbox every Thursday.

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Top posts chosen by our lovely threads team

Is internet dating biblical?

// It seems everything is available if you only think to look for it; even a husband.

Written by Allie Brown

Picked by Christine Gilland

It’s no secret that I LOVE reading posts about dating and relationships, and I’ve been quite taken with the topic of this post, way back from the archives of 2012. I especially like some of the great responses in the comments section.

Missionary minimalism

// De-cluttering our lives is trendy in the Christian and secular world. But what can be learned from a someone who grew up in a missionary family?

Written by Gabby Llewellyn

Picked by Thomas McConaghie

We gave Gabby the topic of minimalism and this is what she came back with. While we were considering what it means to live with less stuff, Gabby rightly pointed out that it's not about the stuff! Let us instead focus on the God who gives abundantly.