Why I don’t want an International Women’s Day

Even though I am a female who is passionate about social justice and gender equality, a huge part of me wishes it didn’t exist. I don’t want an International Women’s Day. Let me explain.

I want to live in a culture that celebrates and champions women every single day – not just one in 365. But the reality is that this is not the world that we live in. This week on threads, we’ve heard from women who have shared a different experience:

Wouldn’t it be great if no girl or woman – or any person – ever had cause or justification to utter the statements shared by our IWD contributors?

I may not want an International Women’s Day, but I believe that we need it.

We need IWD because a pop song advocating rape culture made $16 million in profit last year. We need IWD because police and social workers in Oxfordshire perceived that girls as young as 11 consented to sex with men who raped and brutalised them. We need IWD because 66 million girls are denied an education. We need IWD because the world has forgotten about the 219 Nigerian young women abducted 326 days ago.

Discrimination against women is not a feminist issue. It’s not even a women’s issue. It’s our issue. As men and women of God, we have a responsibility to recognise the value of every person.

Sadly, we live in a society where many women are silenced, coerced, murdered, limited or forgotten simply because they are girls. They need IWD; a day to raise awareness about the continued discrimination they face. Don’t misinterpret me: girls and women need more governments, policies, structures, cultures, faiths and families who will protect, restore and champion their God-ordained worth.

But IWD is an opportunity to advocate for a better and fairer world for both genders; the world that I believe God intended:

I passionately believe that each of us has the influence to shape the culture around us. The Bible inspires us to be transformers, not conformers. Our small individual counter-cultural acts matter. So what can you and I do to champion the value of every person? Here’s some ideas:

And finally, be the change. Yes, I know – quite a popular, generic phrase. But change really does starts with us. As women and men, how do we treat each other every day? On IWD 2015, let’s model a different way of living. In our relationships, let our every word and action reflect that we embrace each other’s God-given value. Let’s refuse to be lazy and believe the gender stereotypes about each other. Let’s be each other’s greatest champions. Let’s believe that both women and men are made in the image of God ordained for his mission of restoration on earth – and let’s act accordingly.

As a wise and Godly woman once said: “I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across the waters to create many ripples.”

Every small individual action brings us one step closer to gender justice and a world where there is no need for an International Women’s Day.


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