YOLO and the Gospel

Life to the full.

Live for today, tomorrow will take care of itself.


Travel. Dream. Follow your heart.

Be selfish. Be reckless. Be happy.

I don’t know about you, but these kind of quotes and statements appear on my newsfeed constantly.

We seem to live in a generation where everyone wants an adventure, and if you’re not travelling around India, waking up next to a Tinder date or grabbing every opportunity that flies your way, you’re doing life wrong. These quotes make us believe, the excitement is out ‘there’, across the world, away from our life. They convince us that its totally OK to be selfish and grab what life offers us as long as it makes me happy and will be beneficial for my life.

But from my experience, growing up as a Christian, the adventure is right here. It’s not traveling somewhere else, drinking and eating everything the world offers me or living a reckless life while I’m young and able.

Instead, an adventurous life looks like giving up my life. When you give your life to Jesus, and really give your whole life to him, an adventure begins.

Jesus says: “I have come so they may have life and life to the full.” (John 10:10)

What does life to the full mean to you?

There’s a story in the Bible about a woman who had had many failed relationships, she had no friends, was isolated from everyone around her and was probably very depressed.

One day she meets Jesus and he says to her: “If you only knew the gift God has for you and who you are speaking to, you would ask me, and I would give you living water…those who drink the water I give will never be thirsty again. It becomes a fresh, bubbling spring within them, giving them eternal life.” Read the story for yourself here.

This water Jesus spoke about is a life lived with him. Not only does a life lived with him get us eternal life, but it is a satisfying life right now, today.

“If you only knew the gift God has for you.”

Jesus brings us life and life to the full. If only we knew what a life with him could entail. He has a life of adventure for us. One filled with purpose, peace, love, joy and hope. A life where, if we give all of us to him, he will provide for us, direct us, heal us and satisfy us completely.

We no longer need to question if we’re loved of if we’re good enough, because God says: “You are my child, whom I love and I’m pleased with you.” (Matthew 3:17)

Maybe life to the full for you is not living with the anxiety you feel every day. Not living up to others expectations or opinions of you, but instead feeling whole heartedly loved and accepted.

Maybe life to the full for you is an adventure. Some of my most exciting moments in life haven’t been when I’ve been away travelling, but instead have been right there in my day-to-day life. Times like, praying for my housemates in uni who don’t know Jesus, explaining the gospel to the whole rugby team in a nightclub, seeing my friend who was in pain for months get healed and physically feel her hip slot into place after praying.

Life to the full doesn’t mean life is perfect – but it means God is with you throughout it all. Life to the full meant that even when my dad got cancer, I knew God was in control. I knew He had a plan, that He is faithful and good. Life to the full meant that when I was stressed in my job, or heartbroken or lonely, that Jesus was the ultimate comforter and peace in my life.

Inspirational quotes tell us to be selfish, grab what we want and do it whilst we’re young.

But imagine a world where everyone was loving, kind, patient, good, self-controlled, at peace and forgiving.

A life lived with Jesus produces these things. He changes us from the inside out!

How do we deal with all the junk in my life? Let Jesus forgive you.

How do I deal with this anxiety and loneliness? Let Jesus comfort you.

How do I feel love, joy and peace? Let Jesus fill you.

How do I live a life full of purpose and meaning? Let Jesus lead you.

You only live once. So let’s not waste it filling our lives with other things we think satisfy us. Let’s give our all to Jesus and let him give us a full life. A life where we are so full of joy and peace and purpose, that our lifestyle, our values and our future is attractive to everyone. Where we are so pure in our actions, thoughts and speech that our friends can’t help but notice something different and a life where we’re not ashamed of our faith, but obedient to him. What would it look like for your friends and family to come to know Jesus because your life looks like an exciting adventure?! YOLO. So live it recklessly for Jesus.

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