What we loved in January

Let’s see a show of hands, who’s still keeping their resolutions? Never mind. We’re struggling with ours too. But remember, habits are better than resolutions! We’ve put together a list of some of our favourite bits and pieces that we’ve read, listened to or watched in the last month.

What is populism?

The first White House press conference conducted by Sean Spicer and the subsequent dialogue has reminded us that post-truth isn’t content to stay in the realms of 2016 with phrases like ‘alternative facts’, ‘fakelore’ and ‘exaggerated details’ popping up on social media over the last month. It’s probably time we get to grips with populism, what with Brexit, the rise of nationalist movements in Europe and further afield, and the election of Donald Trump. We’re big fans of New City Commons and their brief explainer on the issue is very helpful.

An African-American befriends KKK members…

This trailer caught our eye this month. In a political climate that is starved of grace and reconciliation, Daryl Davis shows a different way forward.

Eugene Peterson talks to Krista Tippet

We’ve mentioned Krista Tippet’s podcast, On Being – one of the favourites here in threads HQ – a few times in our monthly round-up posts. In the last month, The Message translator sat down for a chat and to talk about prayer and the Bible. Listen to it here.

Animal rescue

If you need your faith in humanity restored, this should do the trick.

The magic of making sound

Don’t be a foley artist if you want a lot of credit for what you do. When these guys do their job properly, we don’t even notice. This short clip is a fascinating insight into the world of sound-making.

Ruining Ocean’s 12

Everybody has at least one friend who’s a nightmare to watch movies with, right? Are they as bad as this guy, though?

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